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SMH Receives Stage 1 Approval for Redevelopment by Ministry of Health

[New Tecumseth, ON – July 16, 2020] – Stevenson Memorial Hospital (SMH) has received formal approval from the Ministry of Health of its Stage 1 Submission for a redeveloped hospital and has been approved to proceed to Stage 2 of the process.

 “The Ministry has completed its review of the hospital’s Stage 1: Proposal Submission for the project and finds the submission acceptable,” writes Christine Elliott, Deputy Premier and Minister of Health. “The hospital is now approved to proceed to Stage 2: Functional Program for the project.”

 This is the first official approval that SMH has received from the Ministry regarding the redevelopment project and is a significant milestone in their journey to expand and to revitalize their dated infrastructure.

“I am pleased with the announcement from the Ministry of Health regarding an approval on our Stage 1 proposal for redevelopment,” says Jody Levac, President and CEO, SMH. “Stevenson has not undergone a redevelopment since its inception in 1964 and we need to expand and revitalize to meet the growing needs of our community.”

The redevelopment project includes a revitalized Emergency Department, doubling the square footage of the hospital and tripling the amount of parking space. Refreshed outpatient rooms, birthing suites and Laboratory space is also included in the submission.

SMH is working towards submitting its formal Stage 2 proposal this fall and continues to work closely with Ontario Health and the Health Capital Investment Branch of the Ministry of Health.

“I thank Christine Elliott, Deputy Premier and Minister of Health for recognizing the needs of our Hospital, and for the approval to move to the next stage.” adds Levac. “I also thank Ontario Health, Jim Wilson, MPP, our local municipality and community supporters who have participated in this redevelopment journey with me over the past six years. I am excited to move forward on this important project and am optimistic that we will continue to be successful in bringing a revitalized hospital to this community,” he adds.

In October, 2019 the SMH Foundation launched a $43 million capital campaign Because of you, we can in support of the redevelopment project, as well as critical equipment and technology upgrades. Of their goal, $30 million represents the community share of the funds required to be raised for the $167 million project. For more information about the capital campaign, how you can donate or become involved as a volunteer/campaign cabinet member, please visit