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Board of Director: An Exciting Opportunity

Stevenson Memorial Hospital is a dynamic community hospital providing safe, quality care to residents of Southern Simcoe County.

The Hospital is seeking one (1) individual from the Hospital’s catchment area who is prepared to offer their time, energy and expertise to serve as volunteer Board members. 

We are specifically looking for one (1) Director who has a background in Finance (CPA designation).  As well, health care knowledge and experience is an asset but not an absolute requirement. 

The Board is composed of twelve (12) elected and seven (7) ex officio members and governs the affairs of the hospital and provides strategic leadership and oversight of operations subject to the Public Hospitals Act, Hospital By-laws and other requirements. The Board’s composition reflects a mix of skills and experience required for operating a contemporary rural health care facility. 

The Board members individually and collectively must be prepared to act in the best interest of the Hospital at all times and not in the interest of any party or issue that the Directors feel they represent. The Directors must be prepared to be stewards of the Hospital and abide by the rules of fiduciary conduct.

Prospective Directors require a commitment to the Hospital and community and should be aware of issues facing the hospital, the health care system and the Local Health Integration Network.

If you would like to be considered for a position on the Board, please send your name, address, phone number and a letter explaining your relevant experience and reasons why you would like to join Stevenson’s Board of Directors to:

Please submit your applications by April 1, 2018 to:

Sarah MacDougall, Board of Directors Liaison

Email:     Fax:  (705) 705 434-5138


Stevenson Memorial Hospital

200 Fletcher Crescent, PO Box 4000

Alliston  ON  L9R 1W7