[New Tecumseth, ON – April 15, 2020] The COVID-19 pandemic has put pressure on our local community hospital at this unprecedented and challenging time. To support the needs of Stevenson Memorial Hospital (SMH), the Stevenson Memorial Hospital Foundation (SMHF) has launched a COVID-19 Pandemic Response Fund. This will help cover costs related to supplies, equipment and other priority needs as the SMH staff and physicians focus on caring for our community members in need.
“We have had an incredible response from our community so far and we are so grateful for the donations to date, including monetary and PPE donations,” says Tanya Wall, Executive Director, SMHF. “Any continued support is very much appreciated, and any donation to the Response Fund will go directly towards needs to support staff and the Hospital during the pandemic.”
The SMHF raises funds for Hospital equipment every year and will continue to do so after the needs during the COVID-19 pandemic have been met. The Foundation keeps a current list of equipment needs on their website and is updated regularly.
For safety reasons and to limit volume and visitors, SMH is unable to accept food donations. The Hospital is currently providing meals and refreshments to staff through its own dietary department. If individuals/businesses are interested in supporting meals for staff, they can make a monetary donation to the Response Fund, partner with a local restaurant to offer meals (for staff to pick up), or offer a coupon/voucher for staff.
Personal protective equipment (PPE) is still in need and SMH has implemented a PPE Drive to support this. For information regarding items in need and drop-off arrangements, please visit www.stevensonhospital.ca/stevenson-ppe-drive.html.
Any donated item must be unopened and unexpired. Please note that SMH is a latex-free facility.
To make a donation to the COVID-19 Pandemic Response Fund or for more information on how you can help, please visit www.transformingstevenson.ca.