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Freedom of Information

As a public institution, Stevenson Memorial Hospital is subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA).

The purpose of FIPPA is to:

Provide the public with access to government records.

Protect the privacy of individual’s personal information held by public institutions such as SMH and provide individuals with access to that information.

Please Note: Personal Health Information cannot be accessed through the freedom of information process. If you are seeking access to your health records, please contact Health Records at 705-435-6281, ext. 1216.

To learn more about FIPPA request, please view our helpful FIPPA guide:
SMH FIPPA Guidelines

Making a FIPPA request:

To make a formal request under FIPPA, write a letter that clearly explains the information you are looking for or complete the Access / Correction Request Form. Attach a $5.00 cheque, payable to Stevenson Memorial Hospital to cover the application fee. Additional fees may apply if the request is deemed time-consuming.

Directory of Records

Mail the letter or access/correction request form to:

Access/Privacy Officer
Stevenson Memorial Hospital
200 Fletcher Crescent
Alliston, ON L9R 1W7

For more information about FIPPA, please visit Ontario e-Laws.