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Accepted Students: Next Steps & Onboarding

Welcome to smh!

Congratulations on securing your placement! We are thrilled to have you join us. Please review the following sections to prepare for your upcoming placement.

Onboarding & orientation

All students and clinical placement staff must complete a mandatory self-directed online Verified Orientation and Learner Attestation Form. This form can be submitted electronically upon completion. Please complete the form below.

Orientation and Learner Attestation Form

Preparing for Your First Day

Ensure that all 3 steps are completed before starting your placement.

Please note that if you have not submitted all the required documents to studentplacement@smhosp.on.ca, you will not be granted network access.

STEP 1: SUBMIT ALL REQUIRED DOCUMENTS TO studentplacment@smhosp.on.ca

  • Immunization Record
  • Vulnerable Sector Check
  • Completed electronic attestation form 
  • On your first shift, please visit the Professional Practice Office (located on the basement level of the hospital) between 08:30 and 16:30 to obtain your network login credentials and staff alert pendant. 
  • If you have not submitted all your required documents, you will not be given your network login and will not be able to stay onsite until this has been submitted.
  • View our Student Documentation Tip Sheet for common questions. (Please note that this is not intended to replace any required computer training. It is an additional resource.)


  • You have now completed all the required steps to start your placement at SMH! Please ensure that you have been in contact with your preceptor or clinical placement staff.
  • Reach out to studentplacement@smhosp.on.ca if you are unable to contact your preceptor. Do not contact the Unit Manager. All communication should be directed to studentplacement@smhosp.on.ca 

Additional Resources

Work-related Injuries, Exposures, or Illness During Placement:

Injuries, exposures and illnesses are deemed work-related when all of the following criteria are met:

  • Time: The event occurred during the time when you normally work, AND
  • Place: The event occurred in the place where you normally work, AND
  • Activity: The event occurred while you performing work that you normally perform

If all criteria are met, learners must report the event to their academic institution, instructor, the SMH Student Placement Coordinator (studentplacement@smhosp.on.ca) and to Occupational Health and Safety. Learners must complete an electronic incident report at SMH.

Wellness Supports and Resources

Healthcare professionals are typically experts at prioritizing the health and well-being of their patients. However, it is just as important (and sometimes more difficult) to look after ourselves. Below are some free resources available to you as a student at SMH.

Mental Health Support 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What do I need to wear?

  • Please follow any dress code outlined by your academic institution for student placements. Business casual is acceptable for students not requiring scrubs.
  • Your identification badge from your academic institution and Staff Alert Pendant must be worn at all times in the upper left quadrant, facing outward.

I have another upcoming placement at SMH. Can I keep my Staff Alert Pendant and computer login for the next placement?

  • You are required to return your Staff Alert Pendant at the end of your placement to the Professional Practice Office. You will be issued a new pendant for any subsequent placements.
  • Your network access will expire on the end date provided by your educational institution. For any subsequent placements, you will be issued a new login and password.

How do I get my network login credentials?

  • On your first day, visit the Professional Practice office located in the basement between the hours of 08:30-16:30.
  • You will be issued your network login credentials and Staff Alert Pendant.
  • If you have any further IT issues, call 905-895-4521 ext. 2246

Is there somewhere to eat on site?

  • There is a Cafeteria on the first floor open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 11:30am-1:30pm.
  • The Gift Shop is located at the main entrance and has a selection of grab-and-go snacks and beverages.
  • There are vending machines located in the cafeteria that offer sandwiches and small meals.
  • Refer to our Cafeteria & Food Services page for further questions.

Are there lockers for students?

There are change rooms located in the basement. The lockers are currently occupied by SMH staff. All departments are provided with break areas with locked doors. We encourage students not to bring valuables to our health center.

Where can I park?

  • Refer to our Parking page for parking information.
  • Between Monday and Friday from 08:00 to 16:00, please utilize offsite parking locations.
  • During off-business hours, you may use employee parking and will pay a daily fee.
  • Students are encouraged to carpool as there are limited spaces.

What entrance should I use?

Enter through the SMH Main Entrance. It is open 24/7, and you do not require badge access.

front entrance of SMH 

What if I cannot attend my placement due to illness?

  • Please follow the procedure for absence as outlined by your academic institution.
  • If you have an illness or exposure related to a patient, please report this through the SMH Sick Line (ext. 1751).

SMH does not stock my N95 mask. What do I do?

  • There are limited stocks of some of the N95 masks. If your size is not available, please get refitted or contact SMH Occupational Health at ext. 3204.

Do I need to submit my onboarding documents if I am already SMH Staff?

Yes, you will need to submit all required student placement onboarding documents regardless of current or past employment with SMH. You will be provided with separate student/clinical instructor network access that must be used when at SMH for student placement hours. You may not use your SMH employee access or badge for any student activities, including employees working in the capacity of a clinical instructor for an academic institution.

I am a clinical instructor for a group of students. Can I access the Automated Dispensing Unit (ADU) for my students?

  • As a clinical instructor, you will be provided access to the ADU. Your ADU access will expire at the end of each placement, and you will need to re-enroll at the beginning of the next placement that you are assigned to. As a reminder, Clinical Instructors do not administer narcotics. Note: If you are also an SMH employee, you will be provided with a second ADU access/biometrics to use on the days that you are here as a clinical instructor.
  • A pharmacy team member can enroll your ADU biometrics in your first week. They will reach out to you to arrange a date and time.

I am a nursing student. Can I access the Automated Dispensing Unit (ADU)?

No, you cannot. Your clinical instructor or preceptor will be required to remove any medications you require.

How can I access SMH to view Policies and Procedures, the Parenteral Drug Manual, and other documents?

  • Access OMNI for all SMH policies and procedures. This is an application found on the internal desktop. Refer to this video for steps to access OMNI.
  • SMH uses a hard copy of the Ottawa Parenteral Manual. It is located in the medication areas.

How do I report an incident?

Incidents can be reported in the Safety Reporting system - RL Datix. If the incident requires medical attention, you can visit the Occupational Health office located in the basement in the physio room Monday-Friday from 0830-1630. If this is an emergency, please go to the Emergency Department.