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While You Are Here

Welcome to Stevenson Memorial Hospital. We understand that being in a hospital can be stressful, and we want to make your stay as comfortable and stress-free as possible. Below are some important guidelines and resources to help you during your time with us:

Visitor Policy:

We encourage the support of family and friends during your stay. However, to ensure a restful environment for all our patients, we have specific visitor guidelines in place. Please visit our Visitor Hours and Policies page for more information.

Support Person:

Designating a support person can be immensely helpful during your hospital stay. This person can assist in relaying information to and from the healthcare team, provide companionship, and help ensure your comfort and well-being. Make sure to communicate the contact information of your support person to our staff.

Your Care Plan:

We want you to be informed and involved in your care. Feel free to ask questions, request explanations, or seek clarifications about your treatment plan from your healthcare team. It's important that you have a clear understanding of your care and that you feel empowered to participate in decisions about your health.

We wish you a smooth and comfortable stay at SMH. Our entire team is dedicated to providing you with the highest quality of care and support throughout your time with us. If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our staff.

Helpful Resources:

For more detailed information on planning for your stay, please refer to our patient handbook or get in touch with our patient services department.

2025 Patient Guidebook

Smoking Policy

a no-smoking signAs a healthcare facility, our staff at Stevenson Memorial Hospital is committed to preventing diseases caused by smoking and second-hand smoke, such as lung cancer, chronic pulmonary diseases, asthma, and other respiratory conditions.

We would like to remind the entire community about the strict no-smoking policy on hospital property in Ontario, which is in effect to ensure a safe and healthy environment for all patients, visitors, and staff.

As it is stated in the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017, smoking is strictly prohibited in all indoor and outdoor areas of the hospital premises, including parking lots, exterior grounds, and vehicles. We kindly request everyone's cooperation in adhering to this policy.

It is important to note that smoking or vaping where it is not allowed may result in a charge of an offence and subject to a fine of $1,000 for a first offence, and $5,000 for any further offence if convicted.

For further information, please visit the Ontario Government website.

For information on how to quit smoking, please review these resources.

We appreciate your attention to this matter and thank you for your cooperation in supporting the health and well-being of our hospital community.

Scent-Free & Latex-Safe Policy

For the comfort and well-being of all patients, visitors, and staff, we ask that everyone refrain from wearing strong perfumes, colognes, or heavily scented lotions while in the hospital.

Some patients and staff members may have allergies or sensitivities to strong scents, which can exacerbate their condition or cause discomfort.

We encourage everyone to use unscented personal care products while in the hospital to create a pleasant and inclusive environment for all.

Stevenson Memorial Hospital is also a latex-safe facility. To protect patients, staff, and visitors with latex allergies, we kindly ask that no latex products, including balloons and other common latex items, be brought into the hospital

Your cooperation with this policy is greatly appreciated and helps to ensure a comfortable and welcoming experience for everyone in our hospital.