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Patient Declaration of Values

The legislated Excellent Care for All Act (ECFAA) in Ontario requires all hospitals to develop a Patient Declaration of Values statement. The intent is to grow and communicate a culture of continuous quality improvement in health care and make sure that the needs of patients are clear and collaborative.

Stevenson Memorial Hospital recognizes the importance of patient-centered care and the voice of our patients - the driving force behind everything that we do. We deliver safe, quality care, and believe we must work together to ensure the best possible outcomes at every stage of your healthcare journey.

Our Commitment to Our Patients

  • Acknowledge the uniqueness of each patient by ensuring they are involved in decisions affecting their health and well-being.
  • Provide consistent respectful care and support to patients and their family members.
  • Expectations are consistently met and even exceeded by delivering care that follows the highest ethics, principles, and standards.
  • Work with our community partners to coordinate a continuum of care that continues even after a patient has been discharged.
  • Transparency and accountability in all that we do.

Your Commitment and Responsibilities as a Patient

  • Actively participate with staff and physicians in your treatment and rehabilitation the best you can.
  • Provide accurate and complete information about any past illnesses, hospitalizations, medications, and other matters related to your health.
  • Inform your healthcare provider if you do not understand your treatment plan or what you are expected to do.
  • Inform your healthcare provider if there is a change in your condition or if problems/concerns arise during treatment.
  • Be courteous and considerate of other patients, families, staff, physicians, students and volunteers.
  • Be respectful of hospital property; observe hospital rules and regulations.
  • Be sure to make arrangements for discharge when your physician determines the discharge is appropriate.
  • Respect the hospital’s infection control practices by cleaning your hands every time you enter and exit the hospital, and when entering and exiting a patient’s room.