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Patients & Visitors

Stevenson Memorial Hospital helps ensure that patients and visitors experience a comfortable, caring, and pleasant stay while at the hospital. To guarantee the best stay possible, we have provided you with important information about our services.

If you're a patient at Stevenson Memorial Hospital, our Patient Guidebook has great information to help you navigate your time at the hospital. Please feel free to download and review the guidebook.

2025 Patient Guidebook 

 Illness Prevention Guides for Patients & Visitors

We offer a range of informative brochures designed to help patients and visitors prevent the spread of harmful viruses and infections. These resources provide practical tips on hand hygiene, proper mask usage, and other preventive measures to ensure a safe environment for everyone. Please take a moment to browse through them below for more details.

Acute Respiratory Illness Brochure

C.diff Brochure

CPE Brochure

Hospital-Associated Infections Brochure

MRSA Brochure

VRE Brochure

Hand Hygiene

Hand hygiene must be strictly followed for all visitors and staff. Liquid hand sanitizers are located in the lobby and throughout the hospital. Please ensure you clean your hands as soon as you enter the hospital, before and after eating, before and after visiting a patient, and just before you leave the hospital. Ensuring your hands are properly cleaned is for your safety as well as for our patients and staff.

Compliment or Complaint

Stevenson Memorial Hospital recognizes the importance of patient-centered care and the voice of our patients. Our core values of respect, compassion, and accountability govern our actions as we strive to deliver the highest quality patient care every day.

Hearing from patients about our performance is important to us, especially if there are questions or concerns about the care that you or a loved one has received. If you wish to express a compliment, ask to speak with the manager of the department or service area where you received care.

We encourage you to first bring your questions or concerns to the nurses, doctors, and other staff caring for you. These people know about your situation and will be able to respond to your concerns quickly and efficiently.

If you are unable to resolve your concern at the point of care, ask to speak with the manager of the unit or area. The manager will contact you to discuss your concerns.

If you remain unsatisfied after speaking with the department manager, you may bring your concern to our Patient Relations delegate:

Patient Experience Office

T: 705-435-3377, ext. 2310
E: patientexperience@smhosp.on.ca

Still cannot find what you’re looking for? Please give us a call at (705) 435-3377.