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Patient Connect Portal

Patient Connect is an online tool that gives patients and families 24/7 access to their healthcare information.

With Patient Connect, you can view: 

  • Upcoming appointments
  • Laboratory test results and diagnostic imaging reports
  • Healthcare provider notes
  • Visit history information 

Already have an account? Click the button below to Log In to your Patient Connect Account

Patient Connect Login Portal 

How to enrol for Patient Connect

To create an account with Patient Connect, please follow these steps: 

  • Call the Health Information Department at: (705) 435-3377 ext. 1216.
  • The Health Information Department is open from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday to Friday (closed on statutory holidays). They will support you in the enrollment process.
  • The Health Information Department will process your consent form. An email will be sent to the same address that you entered on the consent form. Follow the link to create your unique user login ID and password to complete your enrollment
  • To complete the consent form, please download it by clicking the button below. If you are filling out the form at home, please call or email the Health Information Department via the contact info above. There is a validation process and you will need two pieces of identification (one piece of ID must be a photo ID).  

 Patient Connect Consent Form

For any inquiries, please contact patientconnect@smhosp.on.ca

To opt out of email communication, please contact our Privacy Office at privacy@smhosp.on.ca.

To access Patient Connect from your mobile device

  1. Download the free MEDITECH MHealth app from the Apple Store or Google Play
  2. Once installed, open the MEDITECH MHealth app
  3. A pop-up message requesting access to your location services appears. Select ‘Yes.’
  4. Make sure the location services in your device settings are set to 'On'
  5. Click on the MEDITECH MHealth app and click on 'Patient Connect'
  6. Enter your user ID and password to log in
  7. From the home screen menu, you can access your health information

Additional Resources

For more information about Patient Connect, please view the following documents below: 

Patient Connect FAQs

Patient Connect Privacy Tips